Chinese Tektites

Chinese TektitesChinese tektites are part of the Indochinite strewnfield. The Indochinite strewnfield of tektites covers a large area of the Earth’s surface. A portion of the strewnfield is found in southeastern China and some of the Chinese islands. The tektites found in this region are black like all others of the Indochinite family. They have very nice surface texturing and sometimes a slightly less lustrous shine than those of other regions of the vast strewnfield. Often being of large size Chinese tektites make very nice collection specimens. All the classic splash form shapes are represented in the Chinese tektites including large well-formed dumbbells and teardrops and flat patty shaped individuals. Large pieces of flat or slightly curved sheet like forms not as well represented in other areas of the strewnfield are found from this region. These are often thin in spots and show well the yellow brown color of Indochinite glass not seen in thick complete specimens.

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