Thailand Tektites

Thailand TektitesThailand tektites are part of the Indochinite strewnfield. Though the location of the impact structure, or crater, which formed these tektites remains hidden, the volume of tektite glass in south east Asia seems to indicate that it is near the Thailand area. Thailand received a good portion of that material. Beautiful, black, shiny, and well formed might all be descriptive words that apply very well to the splash form tektites found in Thailand. Dumbbells, Teardrops, Rods, Patties, Spheres, and all the various in between forms are found in this region of the Indochinite strewnfield. Not large numbers of new specimens are being made available from Thailand so very high quality older supplies show how really nice this material is. The surface texture is rich with bright shiny cups and pits. The surfaces show the twisting of the molten glass in visible surface flow lines. The ever present bald spot is generally found on all larger splash form tektites and that is the case with Thailand splash forms as well.

All of our Thailand specimens are from the Darryl Futrell Collections of Tektites. Specimens with catalog numbers beginning with the letters “FIT” are hand numbered specimens from his collection.

Thailand Splash Form Tektites For Sale

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